Let’s Rock Out in your classroom! Explore rocks, minerals and wonders of geology in a fun, lab-style experience catered to school-agers. We’ll dig into earth science concepts, explore careers, and interact with exciting geologic specimens, some of which you get to keep and take home!

Click here to view a Field Trip Flyer


Programs and are usually 60 minutes depending on the age and size of your group. We bring all the resources to your school or desired location. Touch tables, microscopes, activity stations, tools, identification cards, plus rocks and crystals to take home.

  • We will customize the programming to fit your needs and audience.

  • Multiple activities will be offered during an event, to keep things fresh and fun.

  • We bring everything! You provide the space, we provide the rest.

  • Some activities may require electricity, water, or outdoor access (i.e. cracking geodes, gem mining).

  • Off-site field trips can be arranged at a local rock club or outdoor park setting - please inquire.


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